20 Miles

Jim Collins describes the traits of great brands in his book Good to Great. He does an excellent job of finding those common threads they all share. One in particular stands out to me. It is the mentality of 20 miles, no matter what. To illustrate, he uses the example of two cyclistslooking inward from the Pacific about to embark on a cross country journey. One cyclist says, 20 miles no matter what. If the sun is shining and it’s 70 degrees, or it is snowing, sleeting, and hailing — 20 miles no matter what. The other rides 50, even 70,miles on good days when the conditions are pleasant. Yet, he kicks up his feet in the shelter of his tent when it’s tough outside. Before the fair weather rider gets to Kansas City, the prior is eating east coast lobster in Maine. I freaking love this. I love the idea of my face in the rain, grinding out results. Denying permission from any outside conditions to determine my plans. 20 miles. No matter what. 

Are you going your 20 miles today? Are you not calling that booking agent because you don’t want to hear no today? Because maybe tomorrow you’ll be able to handle that rejection a little better? Or maybe you’re not writing that song because you don’t “feel inspired".Wanting to wait a few more months to book that east coast tour because it will be easier when you reach ___ followers on social media? Nope. 20 miles. No matter what. 

I was talking with a friend a while back and had this epiphany. Everyone has big dreams, but making them happen is what separates the men from the boys. Taking action. Putting your art out in the world. Are you going your 20 miles no matter what, or are you riding only on the good days? 

(This part is not for everyone. This is for those of you who’ve been grinding it out for years. Those of you working a normal job, and then spending another 8 hours at night working on your music. I’m learning that it’s just as valuable to throttle yourself on those good days. If you, like me, are in it for the long haul, you need to pace yourself. Don’t burn out. JUST 20 miles, no matter what!)