Selected Discography

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 Take some time to get to know us. These videos are a great peak inside of our recording studio and what it’s like to make music with us. Each music project and recording is unique and special. The clips you will see below probably won’t be exactly what you’re looking for because it was crafted unique to each artist and band. We’ll do the same for you! Still, the videos should give you a peak at the quality that a professional recording studio can make for you.




You do not meet many people like Hannah. Incredibly talented, but equally gracious and kind. We had the privilege to work on this tune Make Your Move in 2019. Hannah had previously recorded several projects that yielded mixed expressions of her as an artist. We worked hard with Hannah to craft her song to feel raw, but still polished and relevant.



Little things is a song written by Eric Toomer describing the speed at which life often moves. We knew there would be, for lack of better words, a delicacy to the song and the production. That holding to the nature of a song like this requires patience during production. Particularly the steel guitar line in the intro and turn-around. We attempted to make that hook the piano, an electric guitar, and even an acoustic guitar - but once we finally landed on steel guitar - the song came together. Below is a full sample of the song Little Things.



Every once in a while you work on one of those songs that is just special. It grabs your ear in a way that it truly pulls you into a landscape. Like a moment in real time, you just feel like you’re there. That’s what Sam Mooney’s Time Bomb is. A snap shot into a relationship on the brink. When producing this song we worked closing with Sam to build out that landscape so that the listener can feel the tension and the importance of the moment.



Thomas Toole came to Blue Sky for his 2nd 5 song EP. A little disenchanted with the results of his first EP he had recording in Nashville, we were able to walk with Thomas as we refocused his sound, making it more true to him so he could build a lasting, engaged audience. This is a song from the 3rd project we helped Thomas with, Don’t Need A Map
